Preparing Learners For Life

  • Focusing on building relationships with students and families.

  • Organizing the day in a way that includes predictable routines.

  • Being a warm and welcoming place that embraces humor with everyone.

  • Focusing on social cognition, understanding and developing positive relationships, and self advocacy.

  • Using Flexible pathways to earning credit.


No Minimum Hours

Quick & Easy Start Up

Special Ed Oversight

Behavior Trained Tutors

State Licensed Teachers


Contact us today to learn how we can help your student!

Rates & Services

Virtual Tutoring: $100/hr

Virtual Counseling: $150/hr

Chromebook Rental: $100/Month (Free Wifi Hotspot Included!)

Plato Online Credit Recovery: $50/Calss per Week.



Curriculum/ Tutoring Materials can be provided by the sending school or provided by the Mill School at no extra charge.



Tim Feeney, Ph.D.

278 East Allen Street,

Winooski, VT, 05404


The Mill School provides tutoring services to special education students acrosss New England.

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